May 2012
She stands on the street corner wondering if anyone will notice her. Her hair is perfectly placed. She stands there rocking back and forth on her heels. She smiles as the cars pass by wondering who will stop or if anyone will stop. Though deep inside she knows this is not where she planned on spending her evenings.
She reminds the dreams she had as a child to be a nurse. To help people in their time of need. Though, never did she guess that she would be the one in need. Her fear increases with every car that slows down. Will they be nice, will they beat me, will they pay a fair price? Do they ever really look at me or just perform? She desires to know what it’s like to be loved, cherished and cared for in a way that only God can provide. Though, as she stands there she wonders if anyone truly cares.
Twelve years ago, I was in Sicily visiting family when I noticed women who were standing on the corners of the road in the middle of the day with umbrellas to protect them from the sun. At the time, I was pretty naïve and asked my aunt what the women were doing. She explained to me that they were selling their bodies to earn money to take back home for schooling, food, etc.
At that moment, my heart broke for these women. As I heard the words come from my aunt’s mouth, God reminded me that those women were daughters of the Most High King and they deserve so much more. They are worth more than all the money in the world and no one had told them. I made a pack with God that day that I would not be silent and that I would be a voice for those who don’t have a voice and have been told to keep quiet.
Over the next twelve years God prepared my heart, placed amazing mentors and leaders in my life to prepare me for now. I have learned a lot of practical information, knowledge and wisdom over the years in preparation for the amazing opportunity before me.
About a month ago I sat in the living room of the development coordinator of 5-stones and watched as she commented that I was an answer to prayer. God knows us truly better than at times we know ourselves. I never would have guessed that evening, my life would forever be changed.
5-stones is a group of individuals committed to bringing awareness concerning the injustice of sex trafficking. 5-stones goal is to enlighten others to the injustice of sex-trafficking and provide opportunities for involvement within our own community and throughout the state of Wisconsin.
5-stones has been around for about 2 ½ years. In those years there have been a lot of changes, but one thing is for sure and that is God’s favor upon this organization.
Two weeks ago, I accepted the position of Regional Coordinator with 5-stones. My role will be taking care of administrative duties/social media and networking with organizations, churches, etc in the area and eventually lead to connecting with future branches of 5-stones. We are also moving forward in bringing awareness and education to the schools and community through guest speakers and training opportunities.
As I move forward with 5-stones part of my commitment to them is raising the support I need to cover my living expenses so that I put forth all my time and effort into the opportunity that God has placed before me. This will be covered through a residence program entitled Envision, which is part of the Alliance Church. Support will go directly to Envision and then I will receive a check every month as my salary. My budget is $2000.00 per month.
Checks will be made out to: Western Great Lakes District, please indicate Envision Residence in the memo section. Please mail to: Western Great Lakes District W6107 Aero Tech Drive Appleton WI 54914.
Thank you for joining the battle as we fight the giant of sex-trafficking and become God’s hands and feet to the victims of sex-trafficking.
Totally humbled and amazed at God’s timing
Natalie Green
Regional Coordinator
Being a World Changer- One person at a time
In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world. John 17:18
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, August 01, 2011
Her Journey in Dar....
August 2011
As she looks outside she finds herself reflecting upon the last five months. There have been ups and there have been downs. Moments where God’s favor was moving upon her life and moments where she felt as though she was in the middle of the dessert.
This journey in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania has not been easy, but it has been an experience she will never forget. She has watched three beautiful ladies move forward in their relationship with God. She is humbled and honored that they allowed her to step in and invest in their lives. She knows that both lives have been changed forever. She will never forget the sparkle in *Susan’s* eye and the joy displayed across her face as she learned more about God and the excitement she has for her future in Christ. It was joy every time she saw her. A moment she will never forget. She is simply reminded that if it was only her that she was used to impact it would have been all worth it in the end.. But God had so much more in stored for her. Beyond what she could have imagined.
And it didn’t stop there.. She was asked to speak at a Beauty for Ashes event in June. She opened the eyes and hearts of 30+ women about the some of the sensitive issues here in Dar. It was not easy to talk about how sex has become a way of life here, but it needed to be discussed. God moved in a mighty way at that event.
Then came the highlight of her time here.. Launching the women’s ministry at the Ocean. It was beautiful watching God place three mighty women of God into her path to walk this road with her. She grew in her leadership skills and was put to the test at times, though in the end the vision was cast and a dream was finally a reality. 35 beautiful “Pearls” attended the first women’s event at her house. The women were blessed and excited about where God is leading them as they moved towards understanding of what their beauty is in Christ.
Her heart has grown so much for the women of Tanzania. She has made friends that will last a lifetime. She has stories that make her laugh every time she thinks about them.
She won’t forget the days without electricity and learning to live using candlelight and taking bucket showers. She won’t forget the smiles across the kids faces in her neighborhood as they waved and smiled as she walked or drove by. She won’t forget hiding in a small shoe repair shop (duka) from the rain with eight other people for about 20 minutes. She won’t forget the Bajaj rides during the raining season and wondering if they would make it through the BIG puddles that were a small lake at times.
She is grateful for every experience good or difficult. She is grateful for everyone person she has met while on this journey. God is simply amazing! It has been an honor for her to serve the people of Tanzania and be God’s hands and feet to them.
Thank you for your constant support, encouragement and prayers during this journey. She couldn’t have done it without you.
With love and thanks!
Natalie Green Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
July Newsletter
July 6th, 2011
I can’t believe how fast the time is flying in Dar. It’s July and I’m already looking towards the end of the tunnel and my time
here. I have a lot coming up in this month and am asking for your continual prayers.
The Young Adults Retreat went really well. We had 42 young adults that came out for the event. We enjoyed hanging out at the beach and learning what it means to Step Up and Step Out. Everyone had a great time and I know they are looking forward to the next one.
This Friday, Charles is leaving for the US for about two weeks. It’s time for Joshua’s annual check-up for his MD. Please continue to join us in praying for complete healing in his body. Prayer for their protection as they travel to and from Dar to the US.
Tahnya has been battling malaria, a parasite and UTI this past week. Pray for complete healing in her body and protection from any attacks of the enemy.
While Charles is gone, we will be assisting Tahnya with the children and keeping the Ocean moving forward. Join us in praying for unity and flow these next two Sundays while Charles is away. Joshua, one of the elders, will be speaking this Sunday and Mike and Kari Ness, Assembly of God Missionaries, will be speaking the following Sunday.
When Charles returns to Dar, his best friend, Devon, will be also. Devon is speaking on the 24th of July. Then the Porters, Devon, Holly and me plan on hitting the game park. I’m excited to go. I’ve heard amazing stories about this game park and looking forward to a little break.
I’m continue to meet with a few young ladies at the church for mentoring. I have also just started meeting with *Susan*, she’s new to the Ocean and new to Christianity. It’s been such an encouragement to me to spend time with her. She has such a desire to know about God and hungry to read His Word. You can tell that God is doing a mighty work in her heart. I’m honored and humbled that I get to be a part of it. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She will be heading back to the US at the end of the month to finish her studies.
This week, I was reminded that I may be leaving more drops in the bucket than I realized. I went to drop off some items at the House of Peace, the domestic abuse shelter home for women, and when I arrived they greeted me with a huge hug and smile telling me how much they missed me. Thank you God for little moments that bring joy to your heart as much as to mine.

On the 23rd of July, we will be holding our first women’s event. The topic is Inner Beauty and I’ll be speaking to the women of the Ocean, the Pearls. Join me in praying for God’s divine hand on the event and for everything to flow and have no problems. I’m excited about it and I know the women are too.
On the 31st of July, we will be having a Leadership Summit at church. The goal of the summit is to introduce the congregation to the variety of ministries available at the Ocean and how they can get involved. Join us in praying that they will catch the vision.
The first week of August I am hoping to visit a Compassion International Child that a friend of mine back home sponsors. Pray that everything will fall into place and that it will be a huge blessing to her and her family.
Then it will be time for me to do a little traveling before I leave Dar. Then off to South Africa before returning home.
I know that God’s favor has been upon His child during my time here. He has opened so many doors for me in my time here and I’m grateful for each open door. I pray that each door that has been opened that it will stay open and His Spirit will continue to move in a mighty way in Dar and beyond.
Thank you for your constant support, prayers and encouragement. They mean more to me than words can say.
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
I can’t believe how fast the time is flying in Dar. It’s July and I’m already looking towards the end of the tunnel and my time
The Young Adults Retreat went really well. We had 42 young adults that came out for the event. We enjoyed hanging out at the beach and learning what it means to Step Up and Step Out. Everyone had a great time and I know they are looking forward to the next one.
This Friday, Charles is leaving for the US for about two weeks. It’s time for Joshua’s annual check-up for his MD. Please continue to join us in praying for complete healing in his body. Prayer for their protection as they travel to and from Dar to the US.
Tahnya has been battling malaria, a parasite and UTI this past week. Pray for complete healing in her body and protection from any attacks of the enemy.
While Charles is gone, we will be assisting Tahnya with the children and keeping the Ocean moving forward. Join us in praying for unity and flow these next two Sundays while Charles is away. Joshua, one of the elders, will be speaking this Sunday and Mike and Kari Ness, Assembly of God Missionaries, will be speaking the following Sunday.
When Charles returns to Dar, his best friend, Devon, will be also. Devon is speaking on the 24th of July. Then the Porters, Devon, Holly and me plan on hitting the game park. I’m excited to go. I’ve heard amazing stories about this game park and looking forward to a little break.
I’m continue to meet with a few young ladies at the church for mentoring. I have also just started meeting with *Susan*, she’s new to the Ocean and new to Christianity. It’s been such an encouragement to me to spend time with her. She has such a desire to know about God and hungry to read His Word. You can tell that God is doing a mighty work in her heart. I’m honored and humbled that I get to be a part of it. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She will be heading back to the US at the end of the month to finish her studies.
This week, I was reminded that I may be leaving more drops in the bucket than I realized. I went to drop off some items at the House of Peace, the domestic abuse shelter home for women, and when I arrived they greeted me with a huge hug and smile telling me how much they missed me. Thank you God for little moments that bring joy to your heart as much as to mine.

On the 23rd of July, we will be holding our first women’s event. The topic is Inner Beauty and I’ll be speaking to the women of the Ocean, the Pearls. Join me in praying for God’s divine hand on the event and for everything to flow and have no problems. I’m excited about it and I know the women are too.
On the 31st of July, we will be having a Leadership Summit at church. The goal of the summit is to introduce the congregation to the variety of ministries available at the Ocean and how they can get involved. Join us in praying that they will catch the vision.
The first week of August I am hoping to visit a Compassion International Child that a friend of mine back home sponsors. Pray that everything will fall into place and that it will be a huge blessing to her and her family.
Then it will be time for me to do a little traveling before I leave Dar. Then off to South Africa before returning home.
I know that God’s favor has been upon His child during my time here. He has opened so many doors for me in my time here and I’m grateful for each open door. I pray that each door that has been opened that it will stay open and His Spirit will continue to move in a mighty way in Dar and beyond.
Thank you for your constant support, prayers and encouragement. They mean more to me than words can say.
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Monday, April 11, 2011
The first few weeks in Dar
It’s been sort of whirlwind since I arrived in Dar almost a month ago. I can’t believe how fast the time is going. So, I wanted to take this time and update you on what has been going on in my life since I arrived. My first few days were a whirlwind with a team from Minnesota that was here for almost a week. There goal while they were here was to provide a business summit to the business people of Dar. They spoke on vision planning, customer service, partnerships, etc. The summit was a huge success and 200 people walked empowered to change the future of Tanzania. The team was a great encouragement and inspiration personally to me. Part of the team was involved in a Women’s Conference that was being held at a neighboring church, Victory Christian Center (VCC). It was during our time there that God started to open the doors for my heart and passion. One of the ladies on the team, Jenn, also works with victims of sex-trafficking/ prostitution back in Minnesota. When she found out that it was my heart too, she was willing and had already planned to share about where she worked in the US. From her sharing, it brought the first of many open doors since I arrived. After speaking at the church, I was invited to come and share my heart while educating the women about victims of sex-trafficking and how they end up in the industry. The following week, Pastor Charles introduced me to the congregation and I had the opportunity to share my heart with them and why I am here. I had several women come up to me after the service indicating that they would like to become involved with bringing hope to victims of sex-trafficking. and then after the service we went to Gomgo La Mboto where it was bombed about a couple months ago. Some government bombs went off unexpectedly and blew up several houses within this community.. The families are living in tents and and as many as 500 people are displaced. So today we went there as a church to bless them with clothes, money, keronse ovens and shoes. It was a long day.. We didn't back to the house till after 6pm. I was so tired. But I enjoyed it.. It gave me more experience of Tanzania. I took a lot of pics of the kids, and the area. I guess there is still a house with bombs still sitting in it.. that the government hasn't removed yet.. That's so craziness to me.. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.. In addition, Gloria, who is the host of the talk show Heart to Heart here in Dar asked me to come and appear on her show. We arranged it for the following Tuesday. The taping of the show went really well. By the following Sunday, people from church were telling me how they saw me on tv. They indicated that I was very confident about the topic I was discussing and that they could tell that I was genuine as I shared my heart. That I wasn’t just “another white person coming to save Africa”, as was stated by one of the guys I spoke with. I want people to see that there is something different about me and that my heart is sincere about why I am here. This past Wednesday I spoke at Victory Christian Center. I was a little concerned at first because of all the rain we received.. Rain can make things difficult fast in Dar. Though, nothing is impossible with God! I arrived early and safe on my own.. We spent the first 45mins praying and worshipping God in Swahili.. It was so beautiful. You could sense the presence of God there. At first I was a little concerned when I had a translator, but after the message quite a few women indicated that they had been challenged by what I talked about. I talked about victims of sex-trafficking and how they got there and about the Samaritan woman at the well and the role as women in Christ have to the victims of sex-trafficking and prostitution. I had a grandma come up to me afterwards and indicated that she is concerned about her grand-daughter who is 16 and has been spending a lot time with men and has walked away from continuing her education. She wanted to have someone talk with her. I don't her name, but I would ask that you would pray for God’s divine intervention in her life. Another lady at the church, informed me that she was praying about wanting to do something for women just that morning and she felt that God answered her prayer tonight as I shared about victims of sex-trafficking and our role as women of Christ. I was blessed with a donation from the church that was totally unexpected. I plan on using it to bless someone else. Plus I have been invited to come back and speak again. :) I love how even though I felt tired and not myself that day that God used me to bring His message across. May He be glorified in all I say and do! The Lord has also lead three special young ladies into my life. I have started to mentor one of them on a regular basis and we will meeting weekly as our schedules allow. The other two are still in school and have beautiful hearts that desire to serve the Lord and fulfill the dreams God has placed on their hearts. Join me in praying for wisdom in ministering to them. This coming week will be an eventful week as I will finally start learning Swahili. Pray for God’s intervention and that the language will come easy and quickly for me. Also, this week I will be involved in an introduction meeting with several other women within Dar where we are networking together to bring awareness, and restoration to the victims of exploited women. It’s a great opportunity and I’m trusting God for additional open doors. This week, I am hoping to meet with some people to discuss starting a support group on the university campus for victims of sexual abuse. Pray for favor on the campus and open doors. In addition, on Saturday April 16th, I will be traveling to the Assembly of God field meeting. Pray for safe travels and wonderful fellowship as I meet other missionaries and hear about God’s goodness throughout Tanzania. I am in complete awe of God’s goodness since I arrived. The pieces of the beautiful tapestry that God is creating while I’m here are coming together. Thank you for your support and prayers, in assisting in this beautiful tapestry. Your Sister in Christ, Natalie Green Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Thursday, January 06, 2011
January 2011
A new year… a new adventure.. For me, that is a very true statement. This year holds a lot of newness. A new country, Tanzania; new languages, new foods, etc. Though I am ready for the challenge!
Financially, I’m at the point of moving forward in planning my departure to Tanzania. I am down to my last $2500 to raise and then I’ll be fully-funded.

If someone would have told me this time last year that I would be planning a trip back to the beautiful continent of Africa; I would have laughed. I had considered my overseas trips to be done for awhile when I returned from South Africa for the third time. Though, God had other plans in mind. He always amazes and surprises me with what He has up His sleeve.
I knew my heart ached to be back in Africa, the continent I love. I would see commercials or advertisements about the children in Africa and the tears would run down my face. My heart would ache to be in my “other” home.
I know God has placed His heart for His children of Africa in my heart. A heart that yearns to be back in Africa sharing God’s love, heart, grace, and peace with them. I am honored and humbled that God would choose me to do such an important task.
I am simply reminded of the letter I received after spending 13 months in South Africa from Sandi, one of the teachers, at the daycare I volunteered at. The children there were either affected or infected with AIDS. The letter was a letter to God stating how grateful and thankful she was that He had sent me to them. The tears stream down my face as I think about the words she wrote. It’s not me.. It’s HIM through me…
As some of my supporters have stated more than once… Some of us are called to GO and some are called to SEND.
For it is this reason that I am to GO.. For HE has called and I am responding.. Responding to the new adventure that He has laid before me.
I couldn’t have accomplished all of these wonderful adventures without your support in finances and prayer. You are my pillars!
As I write this I am planning on departing in the beginning of March. I’m excited about being one step closer to going. I know that God is doing amazing things in the hearts of the Tanzanians and will continue to show up and show HIS GLORY to HIS children.
Will you join in partnering in this beautiful, exciting adventure that God has placed before us? You won’t be disappointed. I know HIS Spirit will continue to move in miraculous ways in Tanzania.
25 people X $100 each = New Adventure in Tanzania
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
A new year… a new adventure.. For me, that is a very true statement. This year holds a lot of newness. A new country, Tanzania; new languages, new foods, etc. Though I am ready for the challenge!
Financially, I’m at the point of moving forward in planning my departure to Tanzania. I am down to my last $2500 to raise and then I’ll be fully-funded.

If someone would have told me this time last year that I would be planning a trip back to the beautiful continent of Africa; I would have laughed. I had considered my overseas trips to be done for awhile when I returned from South Africa for the third time. Though, God had other plans in mind. He always amazes and surprises me with what He has up His sleeve.
I knew my heart ached to be back in Africa, the continent I love. I would see commercials or advertisements about the children in Africa and the tears would run down my face. My heart would ache to be in my “other” home.
I know God has placed His heart for His children of Africa in my heart. A heart that yearns to be back in Africa sharing God’s love, heart, grace, and peace with them. I am honored and humbled that God would choose me to do such an important task.
I am simply reminded of the letter I received after spending 13 months in South Africa from Sandi, one of the teachers, at the daycare I volunteered at. The children there were either affected or infected with AIDS. The letter was a letter to God stating how grateful and thankful she was that He had sent me to them. The tears stream down my face as I think about the words she wrote. It’s not me.. It’s HIM through me…
As some of my supporters have stated more than once… Some of us are called to GO and some are called to SEND.
For it is this reason that I am to GO.. For HE has called and I am responding.. Responding to the new adventure that He has laid before me.
I couldn’t have accomplished all of these wonderful adventures without your support in finances and prayer. You are my pillars!
As I write this I am planning on departing in the beginning of March. I’m excited about being one step closer to going. I know that God is doing amazing things in the hearts of the Tanzanians and will continue to show up and show HIS GLORY to HIS children.
Will you join in partnering in this beautiful, exciting adventure that God has placed before us? You won’t be disappointed. I know HIS Spirit will continue to move in miraculous ways in Tanzania.
25 people X $100 each = New Adventure in Tanzania
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
All donations are tax-deductible through the Assemblies of God. Checks are made payable to: AGWM; please indicate Natalie Green Acct #610000-9 in the memo section.Checks can be mailed to: 1445 N. Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What the Season is all about...
This year for Christmas I want to give more than just a gift to those around me. It’s constantly in the media that we need to buy this item or that item for our family or friends for Christmas. And if you have kids..the list is endless on the number of toys out there and which ones that kids want. Though, this year, I find myself stopping and doing some serious soul searching. What do I want Christmas to be about this those who are close to me?
It’s been a hard year for my family as we said good-bye to my grandpa, Allan Hanke. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in a long time. I know He’s in Heaven with my Heavenly Father, but the pain is still there.
There’s comfort in knowing that grandpa is in Heaven and I will see him again some day. Though there are many in the world who haven’t heard the Good News and heard about a Savior who loves them so much that He brought His Son to this earth so that they could have Eternal Life with Him forever.

Every year for the past at least seven years we have been involved with Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. We fill a shoebox with items for a child overseas who doesn’t typically receive a Christmas gift. Yet for the first time, they not only receive a physical gift; they get to hear about the Eternal Gift. I was privileged six years ago, when Youth for Christ South Africa joined Samaritan’s Purse in delivering shoeboxes to children at one of the township schools that we worked at. It was an experience I will never forget.
So, this year, my friends aren’t getting a physical gift from me, instead in their honor a child is receiving a shoebox and the salvation message. Friends are truly God’s gift to us with skin on. I have been blessed with so many of them all around the world.
And this is the reason that my heart yearns to be in Tanzania sharing God’s heart with the girls and women there. God desires for all to hear about Him and know that there is Hope where there seems to be little, Restoration where there is Pain and Eternal Life with Him.
Being God’s voice, hands and feet to His children in Tanzania is a great honor and opportunity.
So, I ask that this year you look beyond all the advertisements that are flooding our media and our minds. To take a moment and stop.. And decide that this year you will not give physical gifts to those you love, but in their honor you will give to those who are spreading the message of Salvation to those around the world. That you are taking a stand this year and blessing a person thousands of miles away with the knowledge of Eternal Life.
Thank you for partnering with the work that God is doing in Tanzania and being a part of having our brothers and sisters in Tanzania hear about the Wonderful News of our Lord!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
50 people/families X $25 per month X 1 year = The Eternal Gift reaching Tanzania
Donations are tax deductible through the Assemblies of God World Missions. Make checks payable to Natalie Green indicate acct.# 610006-9 on the memo line. Checks can be mailed directly to: 709 Sixth Street Menasha WI 54952. Receipts to follow.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Changing Lives
October 2010
It's my favorite time of the year, Autumn. I love watching the leaves changing colors and the cool weather. Jeans and sweater or sweatshirt and you’re set. I found myself taking it all in as I walked the trail at the local wetland reserve yesterday.
Change has also been occurring in my own life. Some of you may have been aware that I was working three jobs and close to 60 hours a week the past four months. All of that has come to a halt, with me being down to one part-time job. Partially because I want the next months to focus on preparation for Tanzania and the people I will be serving there.
This is my heart’s cry for everyone woman and girl.. That they would know God’s love in their life like no other. The beautiful girls and women of Tanzania desire for this love too. Would you consider partnering with me and the rest of the team as we bring hope, restoration, God’s truth and love to the women and girls of Tanzania.
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
It's my favorite time of the year, Autumn. I love watching the leaves changing colors and the cool weather. Jeans and sweater or sweatshirt and you’re set. I found myself taking it all in as I walked the trail at the local wetland reserve yesterday.
It made me stop and think about all the changes that are going on in Tanzania.
Pastor Charles has informed me about the many changes there. It’s exciting to hear about the mighty work that God is doing in the lives of so many people. The church continues to grow and is up to about 300 people. Praise God! The last few Sundays they have done overflow services via internet and have been having success with it. Continue to pray for no more technical delays or problems.
Pastor Charles has informed me about the many changes there. It’s exciting to hear about the mighty work that God is doing in the lives of so many people. The church continues to grow and is up to about 300 people. Praise God! The last few Sundays they have done overflow services via internet and have been having success with it. Continue to pray for no more technical delays or problems.
Though, with the move of God.. The enemy has come to attack. The Porters three adorable children have been battling sickness after sickness since they arrived. I would ask that you would join me and others in continual prayer for healing and protection over
these precious children.
these precious children.
Change has also been occurring in my own life. Some of you may have been aware that I was working three jobs and close to 60 hours a week the past four months. All of that has come to a halt, with me being down to one part-time job. Partially because I want the next months to focus on preparation for Tanzania and the people I will be serving there.
I recently attended the introduction meeting to a new ministry in the area, 5-Stones. The ministry’s goal is to bring awareness, response, networking, support and restoration. Learning practical ways of how to response when you cross paths with someone who has become the victim of sex trafficking. I learned a lot that evening about sex trafficking in the US, Wisconsin and the Fox Valley. It’s a great ministry and I would encourage you to check it out and consider getting involved. You can check out 5-Stones at
In addition, I recently read a section of the USA today paper from Media Plant that was dedicated to Investing in Women and Girls. Throughout the article, time and time again, it stated how investing in women and girls will not only change a life, but will effect and change the whole community. “Dedicating resources to a single woman has a ripple effect on her entire
In the section entitled, Working to end violence against women. It stated that one out of every three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. That is too often. You can read more at
As a woman and child of God, I refuse to just sit on the sidelines and do nothing to stop it. It’s my heart’s desire to bring hope to these beautiful daughters of our Heavenly Father. As the book, Captivating states: 
“Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most
precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable
role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the Story. Those desires are far more
than child’s play. They are the secret to the feminine heart.
The message of Captivating is this:
Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a
little girl and the longings you feel as a woman--they are telling you of the life God
created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your
heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is
truly captivating

“Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most
precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable
role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the Story. Those desires are far more
than child’s play. They are the secret to the feminine heart.
The message of Captivating is this:
Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a
little girl and the longings you feel as a woman--they are telling you of the life God
created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your
heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is
truly captivating
This is my heart’s cry for everyone woman and girl.. That they would know God’s love in their life like no other. The beautiful girls and women of Tanzania desire for this love too. Would you consider partnering with me and the rest of the team as we bring hope, restoration, God’s truth and love to the women and girls of Tanzania.
$25.00 per month x 50 people x 12 months = Tanzania women embracing the Captivating dream God has for her.
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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