It's another beautiful day here in Cape Town. :P It's been almost a week since rain and for me that is a very good thing. I was getting tired of rain and the cold. Yep it gets cold even in Africa.
In the pic on the top of the page is me and the kids from Yzerplaat primary school where I am a teacher's aide for grade 2. I assist with working with the kids that need extra attention. It's been great getting to know the kids. Most of the kids within the school are from all over Africa, many of them are refugees to the country from the Congo, Nigeria, etc. There are 38 kids currently in the class I assist.
If you remember anything about my stories when I got back home, I'm sure you'll remember Naispha and Robert. They stole my heart when I was here last time and it's been great spending time with them. When Naispha saw me for the first time, I picked her up and she hugged me so tight that I thought she would never let me go. Here w are fashioning the hats that Stephanie knitted for them. It's been a huge blessing in my life to come back to Cape Town and spend time with the kids and see them again.
Thank you for your support and prayers. I couldn't be doing this without them.