The picture is Mavis, a volunteer with Options, and me at U-Buntu. U-Buntu is a house where adoptive babies stay during the 60-day wait period, where mother's can change their mind during this time period. There was about 15 infants the day we went. Most were 5 months old or younger. I wanted to take them all home with me. :P
Things have been going pretty crazy the past week or so. I realized this week that there was a problem with my visa.. but it seems according to home affairs that everything is taken care of. I just need to confirm with a guy from home affairs, who is almost impossible to tract down.
Last weekend one of our vehicles was stolen, luckily we have a tracking device on it and located it within the biggest township within CT in about an hour after it was reported stolen. It took us until Wednesday to get it back.. And then my visa mishap was enough for this week.
I leave for the conference on Sunday and then spend some time in Johannesburg after the conference.. Then I'm back in Cape Town for nine days and then I leave for East London, which is along the east coast about 12 hours from here and will work there for three weeks in YFC doing their peer pressure education within the schools. It will be an exciting time and I know probably a stretching time too. Then when I come back the 12th of November. I have about three weeks left and then I head home.. Craziness..ah... my life is always busy...
Hope to hear from you soon... Love ya!!