It's my first chance to actually update you since I arrived in Jo'burg last week Monday. A lot has occurred since my last update. The flight here was a little rough, but it's been good being here and spending time with Lucky. On Tuesday and Thursday last week, I went to the prison with Lucky and his crew and had a good time, doing lifeskills and team building with the juvenile boys that are awaiting trial. I'm going to miss going to the prison.. Tuesday was my last day there. On Wednesday, I went to Amakahya, which is an YFC orphanage for street children, with the other volunteers here and helped sort donated clothes all day. On Friday, I hung out at the YFC training center and then Friday night i hung out with my friend, Joke'. It was going to be a girl's night... But on our way home from getting the pizza and movie we were waiting to turn right and as the light was red and we were proceeding through.. a drunken driver ran through the red light and hit the rear wheel on the passenger's side of the car. We spun twice before we stopped. I suffered severe whip-lash, but I didn't go to the hospital. I"m doing better by today, but still in pain. Joke' was fine. Because he hit my side, I was hurt the most. It was so scary.. Pls let everyone who has been praying for me that I'm grateful for their prayers. The car was considered totaled.. and Joke' is driving a rental at the moment.
On Saturday, the Jo'burg office had a benefit breakfast to raise support for Amakayha, is was very nice. Then in the afternoon we, the Jo'burg international volunteers and Lucky, went to Soweto, which is the biggest township in South Africa and where Lucky and his family lives. He took us to one of Nelson Mandela's houses and the Hector Pieterson Museum, which tells about Soweto's history... Then we went and met his grandparents, friends, and brother. I got to see where he lives too. His friends were very sweet and embraced me with open arms when they found out that I'm Lucky's woman.. and his brother is happy for both of us, which put a smile on my face. I really didn't get to talk with his family because we were with the volunteers, plus that was suppose to happen on Sunday, but it didn't. On of Lucky's friends aunt passed away and the funeral was on Sunday, so I attended the funeral with him in Soweto and then hung out with him and his friends after the funeral till about 5pm. It was a good time in Soweto. It's not a place that typically white will go, actually they will avoid it because they are afraid, but I felt safe during my time there. Actually, Lucky's friends didn't want me to leave Soweto, it was sweet. They want me to come back... and I just might. :P So, that's my time here in a nutshell. Things are still going well between Lucky and me. On Wednesday we went to the Constitution Hill Museum, which was an active prison for males and females, white and non-white until 1983. It is also where all Constitutional matters are conducted. Yesterday, I arrived back home in Cape Town. I'm happy to be back. I've missed the ocean, my girls and everyone else. I hope this msg finds everyone doing well.