My week has been going pretty good.. I feel a bit of a cold coming on, so pray that I don't get sick. There's been a nasty case of the flu going around and it's been hard to stay warm and dry in the rain and cold these past days. Yesterday was our first sunny warm day in a long time. I took advantage of it and did my first load of wash by hand. I guess that's something I should have been taught how to do. I'm sure there's a method to it, but I think I figured it out for the most part. lol :P
I've had the luxury of not driving to either dance or sing/worship practice the past two nights, which is nice, considering as there is practice for either of them every night during the week except Friday.
Today, we spent time at the Ubuntu house. I went there last time I was here. It's a transitional house for babies that are waiting for legal part of the adoption to go through. Edith, Emily and me went there and spent time taking care of the babies. They are sooo cute. I wanted to take the all home. :) Yesterday, we were at the Karl Bremer Hospital in the Kangaroo Care Ward. We spent the morning with the moms treating them to a hand massage, manicure or both. It was a great way to connect with the moms. I'm truly enjoying my time there and working with moms on a different level than when I was home.
Take care and thank you for your prayers and support.
In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world. John 17:18
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Kangaroo Moms
The Kangaroo Mom Care program is for the the moms who stay with their babies in the hospital for anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Kangaroo care came about as a response to the high death rate in preterm babies seen in Bogota, Columbia, in the late 1970's. There, the death rate for premature infants was 70%. The babies were dying of infections, respiratiory problems, and simply due to lack of attention. Researchers found that babies who were held close to their mothers' bodies for large portions of the day, not only survived, but thrived. In the U.S., hopsitals encourage kangaroo care typically have their mothers or fathers provide skin to skin contact with their preterm babies for several hours each day.
In Karl Bremer, where we volunteer in the Kangaroo Mom Ward the baby is dressed in only a hat and diaper and placed on the mother's chest between her breasts. A jacket or blanket is wrapped around when it's cold. Baby remains in this position all the time except while you go to the bathroom. The baby is fed on demand. While baby is in the kangaroo position he/she stimulates the breasts to produce milk and is able to breastfeed whenever he/she wants.
YFC volunteers assist with being the support, encouragement, listening ear and spoiling the moms while they are at the hospital. We are there Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am-12.
Today, we made paper bracelets with the moms. it's a pratical thing they can do, easy and inexpensive. They turned out beautifully. The paper can be varnished prior to rolling it and then it will last longer.
I am truly enjoying my time with the moms and babies. it's a slightly different spin from what I did back home. Please continue to keep these moms and their babies in your prayers. Thank you!
Friday, August 15, 2008
The past week and half back in Kylemore
It's us at the kindergarten/creche' in Kylemore. I spent my time playing with the five year olds. It was constantly wiping noses and playing with them while all the screaming auntie. :P
These pics were taken in Franschoek, at the museum there.

These were taken in Kylemore this past week, as some site-seeing.

These were taken in Kylemore this past week, as some site-seeing.
This adorable girl is Kate-Lynn, she has become very attached to me. She my adopted daughter in Kylemore. It was great being back in Kylemore, the community is wonderful and I've enjoyed connected with a lot of the teens within the community.
More than likely I will be away for the next few weeks as I assist Rolf with getting ready for general assembly and help out on this side until then. I do plan on going back to Kylemore, but I believe that for now I am needed here. So, here is where I'll stay.
It was hard to say good-bye to Maass yesterday, but I know that God used him in amazing ways and he truly enjoyed himself. Make sure you ask about pics and the stories. :)
I send you all my love and know that I miss you all dearly. Thank you for your constant prayers. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without them.
Love ya, me
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