As a child, we never think twice about trusting our “parents” or the adults we are surrounded by. Recently, I had the
privilege to being “mom” to four of my favorite young people. It was an eventful weekend, but never once did they
question how much I loved them and from early on they learned they could trust me.
During the weekend, we spent part of our day at the pool. Sophie, who is 2 ½, was very unsure of the water at first and clung to me for dear life, but as she spent more time in the water learning to trust me at that moment, she became more comfortable. Her grip lessened and before I knew it she was standing in the pool on her own and dancing around. It was enjoyable to watch. The smile on her face was priceless.
But what if the people you trusted, abused that trust for their own personal gain. In Tanzania, girls and women of all ages placed their trust in people who abuse that trust. I would like to share a story with you about a young girl who I recently heard about. Her story may be difficult to read at moments.
Sarah is 13 and has been living with her mother, Faith and her father all her life. Hannah and her parents attended, the church in Tanzania, a few times, but never made a commitment to Christ or coming more frequently. Recently, Faith, stopped by at the church and spoke with the local pastor about her daughter. The father began to sexually abuse the daughter (Sarah) in February. It reached the point where he was beating her when she would make any noise. He was apprehended by the police. The story made the news. Hannah said it's been very difficult as Tanzanians love to talk about others misfortunes. She asked the pastor if there was anything that he could do for her daughter. He told her that Pastor Charles was searching for people to come help with counseling. Her eyes brightened.
Tears streamed down my face as I read this story…. That God would place the Porters in my path almost three months ago..to be chosen to go to Tanzania bringing HOPE to the Sarahs of TANZANIA.
No person and definitely no child should ever face what she did, but with God’s Healing, Hope can be restored within not only Sarah and Faith, but the many women in Tanzania whose trust is compromised.
Jesus requested that the children be brought to Him while He was on earth. He reminds us to have the heart of a child. Without questions, children trust, love and willing to forgive. Yet as adults we allow our mind to cloud our judgment at times.
We can learn so much from a child, the simple pleasures of life. Though, we are also called to protect “our” children. Every women, every girl in Tanzania is the daughter of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. It is our mission to be HIS hands and HIS feet to these beautiful daughters of HIS.
With your support and prayers together we can reach the women of Tanzania. Showing and sharing about a love that comes unconditional. A FATHER they can trust who will NEVER compromise their trust and love.
Your Sister in Christ
Natalie Green
Missionary to Tanzania