January 2011
A new year… a new adventure.. For me, that is a very true statement. This year holds a lot of newness. A new country, Tanzania; new languages, new foods, etc. Though I am ready for the challenge!
Financially, I’m at the point of moving forward in planning my departure to Tanzania. I am down to my last $2500 to raise and then I’ll be fully-funded.

If someone would have told me this time last year that I would be planning a trip back to the beautiful continent of Africa; I would have laughed. I had considered my overseas trips to be done for awhile when I returned from South Africa for the third time. Though, God had other plans in mind. He always amazes and surprises me with what He has up His sleeve.
I knew my heart ached to be back in Africa, the continent I love. I would see commercials or advertisements about the children in Africa and the tears would run down my face. My heart would ache to be in my “other” home.
I know God has placed His heart for His children of Africa in my heart. A heart that yearns to be back in Africa sharing God’s love, heart, grace, and peace with them. I am honored and humbled that God would choose me to do such an important task.
I am simply reminded of the letter I received after spending 13 months in South Africa from Sandi, one of the teachers, at the daycare I volunteered at. The children there were either affected or infected with AIDS. The letter was a letter to God stating how grateful and thankful she was that He had sent me to them. The tears stream down my face as I think about the words she wrote. It’s not me.. It’s HIM through me…
As some of my supporters have stated more than once… Some of us are called to GO and some are called to SEND.
For it is this reason that I am to GO.. For HE has called and I am responding.. Responding to the new adventure that He has laid before me.
I couldn’t have accomplished all of these wonderful adventures without your support in finances and prayer. You are my pillars!
As I write this I am planning on departing in the beginning of March. I’m excited about being one step closer to going. I know that God is doing amazing things in the hearts of the Tanzanians and will continue to show up and show HIS GLORY to HIS children.
Will you join in partnering in this beautiful, exciting adventure that God has placed before us? You won’t be disappointed. I know HIS Spirit will continue to move in miraculous ways in Tanzania.
25 people X $100 each = New Adventure in Tanzania
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
A new year… a new adventure.. For me, that is a very true statement. This year holds a lot of newness. A new country, Tanzania; new languages, new foods, etc. Though I am ready for the challenge!
Financially, I’m at the point of moving forward in planning my departure to Tanzania. I am down to my last $2500 to raise and then I’ll be fully-funded.

If someone would have told me this time last year that I would be planning a trip back to the beautiful continent of Africa; I would have laughed. I had considered my overseas trips to be done for awhile when I returned from South Africa for the third time. Though, God had other plans in mind. He always amazes and surprises me with what He has up His sleeve.
I knew my heart ached to be back in Africa, the continent I love. I would see commercials or advertisements about the children in Africa and the tears would run down my face. My heart would ache to be in my “other” home.
I know God has placed His heart for His children of Africa in my heart. A heart that yearns to be back in Africa sharing God’s love, heart, grace, and peace with them. I am honored and humbled that God would choose me to do such an important task.
I am simply reminded of the letter I received after spending 13 months in South Africa from Sandi, one of the teachers, at the daycare I volunteered at. The children there were either affected or infected with AIDS. The letter was a letter to God stating how grateful and thankful she was that He had sent me to them. The tears stream down my face as I think about the words she wrote. It’s not me.. It’s HIM through me…
As some of my supporters have stated more than once… Some of us are called to GO and some are called to SEND.
For it is this reason that I am to GO.. For HE has called and I am responding.. Responding to the new adventure that He has laid before me.
I couldn’t have accomplished all of these wonderful adventures without your support in finances and prayer. You are my pillars!
As I write this I am planning on departing in the beginning of March. I’m excited about being one step closer to going. I know that God is doing amazing things in the hearts of the Tanzanians and will continue to show up and show HIS GLORY to HIS children.
Will you join in partnering in this beautiful, exciting adventure that God has placed before us? You won’t be disappointed. I know HIS Spirit will continue to move in miraculous ways in Tanzania.
25 people X $100 each = New Adventure in Tanzania
Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
All donations are tax-deductible through the Assemblies of God. Checks are made payable to: AGWM; please indicate Natalie Green Acct #610000-9 in the memo section.Checks can be mailed to: 1445 N. Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802