July 6th, 2011
I can’t believe how fast the time is flying in Dar. It’s July and I’m already looking towards the end of the tunnel and my time
here. I have a lot coming up in this month and am asking for your continual prayers.
The Young Adults Retreat went really well. We had 42 young adults that came out for the event. We enjoyed hanging out at the beach and learning what it means to Step Up and Step Out. Everyone had a great time and I know they are looking forward to the next one.
This Friday, Charles is leaving for the US for about two weeks. It’s time for Joshua’s annual check-up for his MD. Please continue to join us in praying for complete healing in his body. Prayer for their protection as they travel to and from Dar to the US.
Tahnya has been battling malaria, a parasite and UTI this past week. Pray for complete healing in her body and protection from any attacks of the enemy.
While Charles is gone, we will be assisting Tahnya with the children and keeping the Ocean moving forward. Join us in praying for unity and flow these next two Sundays while Charles is away. Joshua, one of the elders, will be speaking this Sunday and Mike and Kari Ness, Assembly of God Missionaries, will be speaking the following Sunday.
When Charles returns to Dar, his best friend, Devon, will be also. Devon is speaking on the 24th of July. Then the Porters, Devon, Holly and me plan on hitting the game park. I’m excited to go. I’ve heard amazing stories about this game park and looking forward to a little break.
I’m continue to meet with a few young ladies at the church for mentoring. I have also just started meeting with *Susan*, she’s new to the Ocean and new to Christianity. It’s been such an encouragement to me to spend time with her. She has such a desire to know about God and hungry to read His Word. You can tell that God is doing a mighty work in her heart. I’m honored and humbled that I get to be a part of it. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She will be heading back to the US at the end of the month to finish her studies.
This week, I was reminded that I may be leaving more drops in the bucket than I realized. I went to drop off some items at the House of Peace, the domestic abuse shelter home for women, and when I arrived they greeted me with a huge hug and smile telling me how much they missed me. Thank you God for little moments that bring joy to your heart as much as to mine.

On the 23rd of July, we will be holding our first women’s event. The topic is Inner Beauty and I’ll be speaking to the women of the Ocean, the Pearls. Join me in praying for God’s divine hand on the event and for everything to flow and have no problems. I’m excited about it and I know the women are too.
On the 31st of July, we will be having a Leadership Summit at church. The goal of the summit is to introduce the congregation to the variety of ministries available at the Ocean and how they can get involved. Join us in praying that they will catch the vision.
The first week of August I am hoping to visit a Compassion International Child that a friend of mine back home sponsors. Pray that everything will fall into place and that it will be a huge blessing to her and her family.
Then it will be time for me to do a little traveling before I leave Dar. Then off to South Africa before returning home.
I know that God’s favor has been upon His child during my time here. He has opened so many doors for me in my time here and I’m grateful for each open door. I pray that each door that has been opened that it will stay open and His Spirit will continue to move in a mighty way in Dar and beyond.
Thank you for your constant support, prayers and encouragement. They mean more to me than words can say.
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
I can’t believe how fast the time is flying in Dar. It’s July and I’m already looking towards the end of the tunnel and my time
The Young Adults Retreat went really well. We had 42 young adults that came out for the event. We enjoyed hanging out at the beach and learning what it means to Step Up and Step Out. Everyone had a great time and I know they are looking forward to the next one.
This Friday, Charles is leaving for the US for about two weeks. It’s time for Joshua’s annual check-up for his MD. Please continue to join us in praying for complete healing in his body. Prayer for their protection as they travel to and from Dar to the US.
Tahnya has been battling malaria, a parasite and UTI this past week. Pray for complete healing in her body and protection from any attacks of the enemy.
While Charles is gone, we will be assisting Tahnya with the children and keeping the Ocean moving forward. Join us in praying for unity and flow these next two Sundays while Charles is away. Joshua, one of the elders, will be speaking this Sunday and Mike and Kari Ness, Assembly of God Missionaries, will be speaking the following Sunday.
When Charles returns to Dar, his best friend, Devon, will be also. Devon is speaking on the 24th of July. Then the Porters, Devon, Holly and me plan on hitting the game park. I’m excited to go. I’ve heard amazing stories about this game park and looking forward to a little break.
I’m continue to meet with a few young ladies at the church for mentoring. I have also just started meeting with *Susan*, she’s new to the Ocean and new to Christianity. It’s been such an encouragement to me to spend time with her. She has such a desire to know about God and hungry to read His Word. You can tell that God is doing a mighty work in her heart. I’m honored and humbled that I get to be a part of it. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She will be heading back to the US at the end of the month to finish her studies.
This week, I was reminded that I may be leaving more drops in the bucket than I realized. I went to drop off some items at the House of Peace, the domestic abuse shelter home for women, and when I arrived they greeted me with a huge hug and smile telling me how much they missed me. Thank you God for little moments that bring joy to your heart as much as to mine.

On the 23rd of July, we will be holding our first women’s event. The topic is Inner Beauty and I’ll be speaking to the women of the Ocean, the Pearls. Join me in praying for God’s divine hand on the event and for everything to flow and have no problems. I’m excited about it and I know the women are too.
On the 31st of July, we will be having a Leadership Summit at church. The goal of the summit is to introduce the congregation to the variety of ministries available at the Ocean and how they can get involved. Join us in praying that they will catch the vision.
The first week of August I am hoping to visit a Compassion International Child that a friend of mine back home sponsors. Pray that everything will fall into place and that it will be a huge blessing to her and her family.
Then it will be time for me to do a little traveling before I leave Dar. Then off to South Africa before returning home.
I know that God’s favor has been upon His child during my time here. He has opened so many doors for me in my time here and I’m grateful for each open door. I pray that each door that has been opened that it will stay open and His Spirit will continue to move in a mighty way in Dar and beyond.
Thank you for your constant support, prayers and encouragement. They mean more to me than words can say.
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania