In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world. John 17:18
Friday, December 22, 2006
What I'm Thinking......
Others have been asking when I'm heading back to South Africa... and that's where some of my mind spinning is coming from.. This is what I do know... that God broke my heart all over again when I was in South Africa this past trip for His people. I know He told me that He wants me to go back for 2 years. It's wierd to think I was telling God that I wanted some stablitity in my life and stay somewhere for a couple years, assuming it would be here in the states, but God had other plans.. Don't you love His sense of humor?!?!?! I do!
I've been offered three different jobs within YFC-South Africa. Two are in Cape Town, where I have been the past two trips and one is in East London, South Africa.. which is about 12 hours east of Cape Town. I would receive some sort of income, but would still have to raise support to return. The positions are brand-new, so the job descriptions/job prospals are to be written next month by the directors. But in all honesty, I'm not sure it what way God wants me to be going back to South Africa. That's where some of the spinning comes from too. I know that He is control and that He's in the middle of telling me what's going on.. but right now I need to focus and lean on Him. So, that's all I can tell you for now.
Thank you for your support and prayers.. keep those prayers coming...
Have a wonderful and blessed Holiday Season!!!
Love Ya
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thank you, God!
God is continue His work in my life. It's been a hard week staying good-bye to so many people. People that have encouraged, inspired, stretched and blessed my life these past four months. I'm leaving a part of my heart behind, but it's encouraging knowning that I will be returning.
This morning God opened my eyes to see through His. Monday, is trash day at the house, and so the bin was set out for pick-up. Typically, local homeless people in the area, will dig through the trash looking for anything they can recycle or even eat. At times, I feared that I became numb to the site, but today God moved on my heart to bless them. So, I went to my room and grabbed the fruit I had bought the day before and walked across the street, handed them the food and told them God bless you. The two people thanked me in Afrikiaans. And I smiled back. My heart is heavy and yearning for the people here. I never understood how people could live overseas away from their family, but it's been evident that this is my family and God desires for me to see His children through His eyes.
Thank you God for these past four months. For opening my eyes, my heart, my soul and my ears to what you are teaching me. Thank you for molding my heart more into yours with each passing day. I pray that would our desire.
See you all soon.
Love ya!
Friday, December 01, 2006

I hope to maybe get one more entry before things get too hectic for me. But I wanted to share a few more pics with you. :P I hope you enjoy them. The top left pic: is my group (all the yfc volunteers for the past three months). The middle pic: a group pic of me with my GR-R class from Ysterplaat Primary School. I miss the kids terribly. It was so hard to say good-bye to them. The top right pic: is Lion's head, the 12 apostles and part of Table Mountain.. a view from Signal hill. One of the many reasons I love this country and love this city.. it's absolutely beautiful here. The next two pics: As you may know my sister, Stephanie, sent about 30 caps with me to South Africa. The kids in the pic are the farm kids that some of the volunteers spend time with. Most of the kids attend one of the schools that some of the volunteers teach at, Visserhoek. This past Tuesday, I had the privilege of blessing the kids with a hat. It was so cool and so much fun. I wanted you to see where they live and realize they had little or nothing, but they have the best manners of all the kids that I work with. They simply impress me. They were swapping hats back and forth after this pic and posing for more pics. It was so cute. I loved every minute of it! Today, when we went to Visserhoek to pick up the volunteers I saw a lot of the kids and they came running and gave me a big hug and one of them was even wearing a cap. The way they love you is breath-taking. It really makes you think was is truly important and loving these kids is. :) So, thank you Stephanie for all your hard work. I know I was blessed and so were the kids!!!!
Lastly, my days are winding down and I would ask that you would continue to keep me in your prayers that I find the time to get everything done that I need to complete. Also, I've been in a lot of pain from the car accident and stress lately, pray for healing, so I can make the long flight home without pain. Pray for a safe flight and a great last days. Thank you!
Love ya!!!