I hope to maybe get one more entry before things get too hectic for me. But I wanted to share a few more pics with you. :P I hope you enjoy them. The top left pic: is my group (all the yfc volunteers for the past three months). The middle pic: a group pic of me with my GR-R class from Ysterplaat Primary School. I miss the kids terribly. It was so hard to say good-bye to them. The top right pic: is Lion's head, the 12 apostles and part of Table Mountain.. a view from Signal hill. One of the many reasons I love this country and love this city.. it's absolutely beautiful here. The next two pics: As you may know my sister, Stephanie, sent about 30 caps with me to South Africa. The kids in the pic are the farm kids that some of the volunteers spend time with. Most of the kids attend one of the schools that some of the volunteers teach at, Visserhoek. This past Tuesday, I had the privilege of blessing the kids with a hat. It was so cool and so much fun. I wanted you to see where they live and realize they had little or nothing, but they have the best manners of all the kids that I work with. They simply impress me. They were swapping hats back and forth after this pic and posing for more pics. It was so cute. I loved every minute of it! Today, when we went to Visserhoek to pick up the volunteers I saw a lot of the kids and they came running and gave me a big hug and one of them was even wearing a cap. The way they love you is breath-taking. It really makes you think was is truly important and loving these kids is. :) So, thank you Stephanie for all your hard work. I know I was blessed and so were the kids!!!!
Lastly, my days are winding down and I would ask that you would continue to keep me in your prayers that I find the time to get everything done that I need to complete. Also, I've been in a lot of pain from the car accident and stress lately, pray for healing, so I can make the long flight home without pain. Pray for a safe flight and a great last days. Thank you!
Love ya!!!
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