Saturday, November 27, 2010

What the Season is all about...

December 2010

This year for Christmas I want to give more than just a gift to those around me. It’s constantly in the media that we need to buy this item or that item for our family or friends for Christmas. And if you have kids..the list is endless on the number of toys out there and which ones that kids want. Though, this year, I find myself stopping and doing some serious soul searching. What do I want Christmas to be about this those who are close to me?

It’s been a hard year for my family as we said good-bye to my grandpa, Allan Hanke. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in a long time. I know He’s in Heaven with my Heavenly Father, but the pain is still there.

There’s comfort in knowing that grandpa is in Heaven and I will see him again some day. Though there are many in the world who haven’t heard the Good News and heard about a Savior who loves them so much that He brought His Son to this earth so that they could have Eternal Life with Him forever.

Every year for the past at least seven years we have been involved with Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. We fill a shoebox with items for a child overseas who doesn’t typically receive a Christmas gift. Yet for the first time, they not only receive a physical gift; they get to hear about the Eternal Gift. I was privileged six years ago, when Youth for Christ South Africa joined Samaritan’s Purse in delivering shoeboxes to children at one of the township schools that we worked at. It was an experience I will never forget.

So, this year, my friends aren’t getting a physical gift from me, instead in their honor a child is receiving a shoebox and the salvation message. Friends are truly God’s gift to us with skin on. I have been blessed with so many of them all around the world.

And this is the reason that my heart yearns to be in Tanzania sharing God’s heart with the girls and women there. God desires for all to hear about Him and know that there is Hope where there seems to be little, Restoration where there is Pain and Eternal Life with Him.

Being God’s voice, hands and feet to His children in Tanzania is a great honor and opportunity.

So, I ask that this year you look beyond all the advertisements that are flooding our media and our minds. To take a moment and stop.. And decide that this year you will not give physical gifts to those you love, but in their honor you will give to those who are spreading the message of Salvation to those around the world. That you are taking a stand this year and blessing a person thousands of miles away with the knowledge of Eternal Life.

Thank you for partnering with the work that God is doing in Tanzania and being a part of having our brothers and sisters in Tanzania hear about the Wonderful News of our Lord!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

50 people/families X $25 per month X 1 year = The Eternal Gift reaching Tanzania

Donations are tax deductible through the Assemblies of God World Missions. Make checks payable to Natalie Green indicate acct.# 610006-9 on the memo line. Checks can be mailed directly to: 709 Sixth Street Menasha WI 54952. Receipts to follow.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Changing Lives

October 2010

It's my favorite time of the year, Autumn. I love watching the leaves changing colors and the cool weather. Jeans and sweater or sweatshirt and you’re set. I found myself taking it all in as I walked the trail at the local wetland reserve yesterday.

It made me stop and think about all the changes that are going on in Tanzania.
Pastor Charles has informed me about the many changes there. It’s exciting to hear about the mighty work that God is doing in the lives of so many people. The church continues to grow and is up to about 300 people. Praise God! The last few Sundays they have done overflow services via internet and have been having success with it. Continue to pray for no more technical delays or problems.

Though, with the move of God.. The enemy has come to attack. The Porters three adorable children have been battling sickness after sickness since they arrived. I would ask that you would join me and others in continual prayer for healing and protection over
these precious children.

Change has also been occurring in my own life. Some of you may have been aware that I was working three jobs and close to 60 hours a week the past four months. All of that has come to a halt, with me being down to one part-time job. Partially because I want the next months to focus on preparation for Tanzania and the people I will be serving there.
I recently attended the introduction meeting to a new ministry in the area, 5-Stones. The ministry’s goal is to bring awareness, response, networking, support and restoration. Learning practical ways of how to response when you cross paths with someone who has become the victim of sex trafficking. I learned a lot that evening about sex trafficking in the US, Wisconsin and the Fox Valley. It’s a great ministry and I would encourage you to check it out and consider getting involved. You can check out 5-Stones at

In addition, I recently read a section of the USA today paper from Media Plant that was dedicated to Investing in Women and Girls. Throughout the article, time and time again, it stated how investing in women and girls will not only change a life, but will effect and change the whole community. “Dedicating resources to a single woman has a ripple effect on her entire

In the section entitled, Working to end violence against women. It stated that one out of every three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. That is too often. You can read more at

As a woman and child of God, I refuse to just sit on the sidelines and do nothing to stop it. It’s my heart’s desire to bring hope to these beautiful daughters of our Heavenly Father. As the book, Captivating states:
“Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most
precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable
role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the Story. Those desires are far more
than child’s play. They are the secret to the feminine heart.
The message of Captivating is this:
Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a
little girl and the longings you feel as a woman--they are telling you of the life God
created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your
heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is
truly captivating

This is my heart’s cry for everyone woman and girl.. That they would know God’s love in their life like no other. The beautiful girls and women of Tanzania desire for this love too. Would you consider partnering with me and the rest of the team as we bring hope, restoration, God’s truth and love to the women and girls of Tanzania.

$25.00 per month x 50 people x 12 months = Tanzania women embracing the Captivating dream God has for her.

Your Sister in Christ,
Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Who's walking thru the doors of your church?

It's been something I have been spending a lot of time thinking about after hearing a recent story.. Recently, I have been attending some informational and awareness mtgs in the area about human/sex trafficking within Wisconsin and more specifically within the Fox Valley area. I have to admit that I was shocked by what I found out and how much of it is going on in our own backyard. It's not just happening in the big cities like we think, but it's happening all around us.. and you are not aware of it.. and that's the reason its here.. the traffickers think no one is paying attention, so they won't be caught.... I want them to know that I'm watching and paying attention and it's time that we all become watchers within our own communities..

God has called me to a voice to the voiceless.. this is one way of getting the word out about what is going on and that as Christians I refuse to just watch it happen and not do or say nothing about it..

So back to my story.. at one of the events, we were told the story about a young lady in PA who noticed a lady that came to her church every Sunday. She was a greeter at the church and took the time getting to know the newcomer. After weeks of talking with her, she found out that she was only allowed to leave where she lived to attend church on Sundays. The greeter contacted the authorities and explained the situation.. they started their investigation and watching the house the lady was living in..Finally, they decided to head in and rescue her.. when they went in, they not only found her, but 17 other women who were held aganist their will.

The truth is this.. victims of human trafficking may be in our resturants, working in our fields, walking down the street and entering our church doors.. Educate yourself and know who to call.. National Human Trafficking Resource Center.. 1-888-3737-888.. They can answer your questions, or send someone to do some investigating.

Here's some questions that may help you identify a trafficking victim..
What type of work do you do?
Are you being paid?
Can you leave your job if you want to?
Can you come and go as you please?
Have you or your family been threatened?
What are your working and living conditions like?
Where do you eat and sleep?
Do you have to ask permission to eat/sleep/go to the bathroom?
Are there locks on the doors/windows so you cannot get out?
Has your identification or documentation been taken from you?
of course you'll be sensitive and creative in asking the questions.. while being God's heart to them.

So join me and others in standing in the gap for them.. by letting the traffickers know we are watching and paying attention

For more information and helpful tools.. refer to

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bringing HOPE to the girls and women of Tanzania

As a child, we never think twice about trusting our “parents” or the adults we are surrounded by. Recently, I had the
privilege to being “mom” to four of my favorite young people. It was an eventful weekend, but never once did they
question how much I loved them and from early on they learned they could trust me.

During the weekend, we spent part of our day at the pool. Sophie, who is 2 ½, was very unsure of the water at first and clung to me for dear life, but as she spent more time in the water learning to trust me at that moment, she became more comfortable. Her grip lessened and before I knew it she was standing in the pool on her own and dancing around. It was enjoyable to watch. The smile on her face was priceless.

But what if the people you trusted, abused that trust for their own personal gain. In Tanzania, girls and women of all ages placed their trust in people who abuse that trust. I would like to share a story with you about a young girl who I recently heard about. Her story may be difficult to read at moments.

Sarah is 13 and has been living with her mother, Faith and her father all her life. Hannah and her parents attended, the church in Tanzania, a few times, but never made a commitment to Christ or coming more frequently. Recently, Faith, stopped by at the church and spoke with the local pastor about her daughter. The father began to sexually abuse the daughter (Sarah) in February. It reached the point where he was beating her when she would make any noise. He was apprehended by the police. The story made the news. Hannah said it's been very difficult as Tanzanians love to talk about others misfortunes. She asked the pastor if there was anything that he could do for her daughter. He told her that Pastor Charles was searching for people to come help with counseling. Her eyes brightened.

Tears streamed down my face as I read this story…. That God would place the Porters in my path almost three months be chosen to go to Tanzania bringing HOPE to the Sarahs of TANZANIA.

No person and definitely no child should ever face what she did, but with God’s Healing, Hope can be restored within not only Sarah and Faith, but the many women in Tanzania whose trust is compromised.

Jesus requested that the children be brought to Him while He was on earth. He reminds us to have the heart of a child. Without questions, children trust, love and willing to forgive. Yet as adults we allow our mind to cloud our judgment at times.

We can learn so much from a child, the simple pleasures of life. Though, we are also called to protect “our” children. Every women, every girl in Tanzania is the daughter of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. It is our mission to be HIS hands and HIS feet to these beautiful daughters of HIS.

With your support and prayers together we can reach the women of Tanzania. Showing and sharing about a love that comes unconditional. A FATHER they can trust who will NEVER compromise their trust and love.


Your Sister in Christ
Natalie Green
Missionary to Tanzania

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

That seems easy enough..

25 people/families x $50 per mth x 1 yr = ministries to people in Tanzania.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Journey To Tanzania

For many of us, we have taken a risk or two to get where we are today. But what if those risks that you had to take caused you to compromise your morals or your faith. Would you still be willing to take that leap, to take that risk to get ahead in the world… to achieve the goal in front of you. What if you were forced into that risk believing it was the only choice you had. There was no other way for you, in order to receive the goal at hand.

For many women in Tanzania this is a harsh reality. We will be starting a mentoring and discipleship program for the women in Tanzania. Women in Tanzania face many struggles and challenges on a daily basis. Being God's hands and feet to them, is a beautiful privilege.

Satan came to lie, steal and destroy.. God comes so that we may have life and have life more abundantly… John 10:10

Having life abundantly and to the fullest is what God desires for these beautiful women in Tanzania. That they would achieve their college education without having to compromise their standards.

Recently, I have been asked to serve alongside missionary friends of mine, Pastor Charles and Tahnya Porter in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Together with Pastor Charles and his team we will be providing a program for these ladies.

Many are shocked when they hear about abuse, pressures and challenges women face on a daily basis. But as Christians, we just pull the blanket over our heads and trust someone else will stand up for them.. It’s our chance to be God’s hands and feet to these women

I realize there will be many struggles and challenges for us to overcome in Tanzania, but I know that God is on our side.. And When God is on our side.. Nothing can stand in our way.

Please join us in praying for mountains to be moved in Tanzania.. Tanzania is known for it’s famous mountain Kilimanjaro, which is known as the Roof of Africa. May the roof of Africa be God’s covering to these women and others that God places in our path.

Pastor Charles and Tahnya have been missionaries in Tanzania for the past three years and will be returning the end of August after being home on furlough for the past year. God has blessed their ministry in Dar Es Salaam. Three years ago, they started a church of 5 people in their living room, now it’s a church of 234 with two services and them busting at the seams. PRAISE GOD!

I am trusting God to be joining the Porters in Jan. 2011 for 11 months. Would you consider standing alongside the Porters and me in what God has called us to do. To take a stand for these women in Tanzania.

Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Morning Glory Muffins

2 1/2 Cups of all-purpose flour
1 1/4 Cups sugar
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
3/4 cup applesauce
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used applesauce in place of oil= 1 1/4 cup applesauce total)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups grated carrots
1 medium apple, peeled and grated (If you have a chopper they work great, which I used for the carrots and apple instead of grating them.)
1 can (8oz) crushed pineapple drained (yesterday I used a 20 oz can of tibits)
**then I could add 1 cup of oatmeal to the muffins

1/2 cup flaked coconut
1/2 cup raisins (I prefer craisins)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

In a large bowl, combine the first five ingredients. In another bowl, combine the eggs, applesauce, (oil) and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients just until moistened (batter will thicken). Stir in carrots, apple, pinneapple, coconut, raisins (craisins), nuts (and oatmeal optional). Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full.

Bake at 350 for 20-24 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 5 mintues before removing from pans. Yields: 2 dozen (with the bigger can of pineapple I made 33 muffins vs 24)

I love this receipe because you change it up to your taste or what you have around the house. I enjoyed making the last nine muffins with some granola put in the batter that had dried up strawberries and kiwis.. yum

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Curried Chicken Salad Receipe

Here's the receipe..

2-3 cups cooked chicken (I seasoned the chicken with yellow curry and onions as it cooked)
2 grannie smith apples chopped, cored
1 20oz can of pinneapple, drained
1 10oz can of mandarin oranges, drained
1/2 cup of craisins (receipe called for raisins)
1/2 cup peacan slices (I used almond slices)- can be baked ahead of time

Curried Mayo: (in separate bowl)
1/2 cup Mayo
1/4 cup Olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 t salt (to taste)
2-3 Tablespoons curry powder (I used 1 1/2 T yellow and 1 T redish/orange)- to taste

Mix Curried Mayo then fold into the remaining ingredients. Make sure the salad is moist and not soggy. Refrigerate for a couple hours. Serve over spinach leaves or place in soft shell for a wrap.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010


So, I thought I would start educating myself on India.. just in case that's where I ended up in the months to come.. Some of you may know that I have applied for a 6 month internship with The Home Foundation, which provides a safety house/haven for victims of human trafficking both within the US and abroad. I would be going to India and volunteering at their branch in Bombay as a group counselor/English teacher. It would be a great opportunity and a dream come true.

If you would like to know more about the Home Foundation.. Pls check out..

Back to the book..if you wanted to read a great book on India.. I would definitely recommend this one..

Quote from the book...Snakes and Ladders.. by Gita Mehta

"Who are these women you are trying to help anyway?" Gita asked. "Tribal women and their kids. They are working as bonded labor in a silk-weaving center, practically chained to their loons." It's not very much, I said. She palmed the money, "Dollars go a long way in India."

It was eighteen months before I saw my friend again, at a rather grand dinner party in the Indian capital. I caught up with her at the buffet table.
"oh, I've been meaning to write to you," she said. "But I've been busy." Noticing my dismay, she relented. "The money bought about one hundred and sixty women and their families out of bondage." I was stunned.

What are the women doing now? I asked. "They were determined to compete with their previous owners, so we loaned them money to buy their own looms and weave their own silk." Did you manage to sell it? I asked. "Oh, it's not for sale, just display for future orders. They haven't got anything left to sell. Everything the women produce is of such high quality the exporters grab it. " "In fact, the men who used them as slave labor are no offering to buy their output at twice the price the exporters pay because the quality is so good."

"Are they making money?" I asked. "Send their kids to private schools. They think if you pay for education instead of going to a government school, your kids get a better education.

"Can I give them more money?" I asked. "Certainly not. They don’t' accept charity. Six months ago they paid back every penny of your money. Now they are giving us money to loan to other women. Nearly as much as you did."

Determination.. that is the word that came to my mind when I read this.. When you are determined nothing will stand in your way from achieving your goals.. So, what are you allowing to hold you back?