Saturday, May 31, 2008

News from South Africa

As some of you may know, RIOTS broke out in South Africa about two weeks ago. The poor "black" South Africans are feeling threatened by the poor "black" African foreigners who have entered South Africa. They believe they have brought violence, drugs, and more unemployment to South Africa. Though, it may be partly true.

The true is that violence is occurring within South Africa and that those of people have been displaced from their homes. People who entered South Africa ten years ago or longer because of the violence and civil wars within their own countries and were searching for safety. Now are facing the same obstacles within South Africa.

Please pray for peace within South Africa and reconcilation between the "Africans."

Thank you!

38 days and counting until I depart for South Africa! Still waiting on receive my VISA in my passport. Pray that I will receive it soon without complications.