Wednesday, June 16, 2010

That seems easy enough..

25 people/families x $50 per mth x 1 yr = ministries to people in Tanzania.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Journey To Tanzania

For many of us, we have taken a risk or two to get where we are today. But what if those risks that you had to take caused you to compromise your morals or your faith. Would you still be willing to take that leap, to take that risk to get ahead in the world… to achieve the goal in front of you. What if you were forced into that risk believing it was the only choice you had. There was no other way for you, in order to receive the goal at hand.

For many women in Tanzania this is a harsh reality. We will be starting a mentoring and discipleship program for the women in Tanzania. Women in Tanzania face many struggles and challenges on a daily basis. Being God's hands and feet to them, is a beautiful privilege.

Satan came to lie, steal and destroy.. God comes so that we may have life and have life more abundantly… John 10:10

Having life abundantly and to the fullest is what God desires for these beautiful women in Tanzania. That they would achieve their college education without having to compromise their standards.

Recently, I have been asked to serve alongside missionary friends of mine, Pastor Charles and Tahnya Porter in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Together with Pastor Charles and his team we will be providing a program for these ladies.

Many are shocked when they hear about abuse, pressures and challenges women face on a daily basis. But as Christians, we just pull the blanket over our heads and trust someone else will stand up for them.. It’s our chance to be God’s hands and feet to these women

I realize there will be many struggles and challenges for us to overcome in Tanzania, but I know that God is on our side.. And When God is on our side.. Nothing can stand in our way.

Please join us in praying for mountains to be moved in Tanzania.. Tanzania is known for it’s famous mountain Kilimanjaro, which is known as the Roof of Africa. May the roof of Africa be God’s covering to these women and others that God places in our path.

Pastor Charles and Tahnya have been missionaries in Tanzania for the past three years and will be returning the end of August after being home on furlough for the past year. God has blessed their ministry in Dar Es Salaam. Three years ago, they started a church of 5 people in their living room, now it’s a church of 234 with two services and them busting at the seams. PRAISE GOD!

I am trusting God to be joining the Porters in Jan. 2011 for 11 months. Would you consider standing alongside the Porters and me in what God has called us to do. To take a stand for these women in Tanzania.

Natalie Green
Missionary to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania