Friday, November 24, 2006

Less Than Two Weeks

It's been a little bit of whirl-wind experience since I got back to Cape Town. It's been good spending time with the rest of the volunteers. On Tuesday evening, Lucky arrived to spend five days in Cape Town, before I head home. It's been good to have him here. The school year is winding down for us, due to it being year-around school. Classes end next Friday, which seems so soon.
I can't believe that my four months here is coming to an end. It's been a great four months. I've learned so much about myself, and God's plan for my life within South Africa. I don't know all the details yet, but I do know that I am coming back and when I do it will be for about 2 years. Which is a little hard for me, when I told myself that I would never live overseas, but I've learned when you tell God never, He changes it to :P But in all honesty this is home.. and I believe that for this season in my life, THIS is where I'm suppose to be.
God has been showering me with His love in mighty ways lately. And I can't help but smile from ear to ear!
Thank you for your prayers and support. I know that because of you, that I can head home knowning God completed what He set aside for this time.
Love Ya!!

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